Tips #3: How to Prevent Scratches on Windscreen?
So, instead of curing, why not preventing? It's even better for new car owners to start with a flawless piece of windscreen. For those who are suffering from bad condition windscreens, go insure your windscreen, break it, and claim a new one. Haha...just joking. Alright, here are some tips:
1) Wipe your glass as frequent as you can, best if daily. Use a piece of clean damp microfiber cloth with glass cleaner such as Meguiar's NXT Glass Cleaner. Becareful of areas around wiper blades which usually trap alot of sand, tiny stones and dust.
2) Do NOT turn on your wiper when it's dry. Also try to avoid using windscreen washer when it's dry. The initial sweep might cause scratches due to dirt and high friction between wiper blades and glass.
3) Remove bird dropping with plenty of water, NOT by rubbing it off with just a piece of damp cloth. Bird droppings could contain sand particles which will scratch the glass badly.
4) Inspect your wiper blades time to time. Make sure the blades are intact and the metal frame is not in contact with the glass. Replace harden/worn blades if necessary.
5) When claying glass, make sure the clay is clean and apply minimal pressure with plenty of diluted shampoo as lubricant.
6) If you have glue residue on your windscreen, do not rub away with force. Instead, apply products like Goo Gone or even Autoglym Intensive Tar Remover to remove the glue residue with ease.
7) If you wish to tint your glass, choose reputable shops with good workmanship. Often their way of cleaning glass might scratch the glass.
8) Avoid using newspaper to clean the glass. Unlike microfiber cloth with buffer zone, newspaper will drag whatever dirt on the surface and cause scratches.
The above tips will not guarantee scratch-free windscreen, but it'll lessen the probability of getting scratches on your windscreen. Hope you enjoy driving behind a crystal clear glass which gives you perfect vision for added safety.