Saturday, September 15, 2007

RX8Club Detailing Clinic

15th September 2007, Hypercoat Enterprise.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool! can't wait for more

i read a 5D MK 2 will be coming out...good news eh? :P

6:33 PM  
Blogger Zey said...

Wow! Are you telling me that my dream camera is coming out soon? :D Gonna be broke soon! :P

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! it can mean 2 things. your dream camera is coming out soon. your old dream camera is getting cheaper. haha

12:41 AM  
Blogger Zey said...

Just read in forum that my "old dream camera" price is dropping. It's a hint huh...;)

12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright! but you're not interested in the 40D, are you? 6.5 fps.. i guess you really want Ultra-Wide angle :)
with the 5D, you would have to buy a new hard drive, coz your RAW files are gonna be wow!

9:55 AM  
Blogger Kenneth Tang a.k.a Fishbonezken said...

from a non-photography guy, those pics are freaking awesome...that 2nd last picture is a dream! very nice very nice. and thanks for the City referral Zey!

11:20 AM  
Blogger Zey said...

yp: I'm not so keen on the high fps, but more interested in ultra wide angle. I was just back from KLPF, tested the 1DsMkIII with 16-35/2.8 and it's really awesome. Also tested 5D+50/1.2L and straight away it blew me away. Love the true focal length and the bokeh it can produce. But the weight is heavier than 1DsMkIII with a BG-E4. 8-)

Fishbonezken: You're too kind to give nice comments, but really thanks alot. ;) I'm sure your customer is happy with the City detail.

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! f1.2! would it be cheaper if you got photo stuff at Japan? if shashinki can sell a 40D body for RM4.5k (japan warranty), what would a 5D be like? the full frame would go well with the 135 f2 :)

2:49 PM  
Blogger Zey said...

It might be slightly cheaper to get it from Japan, but in long run, I don't think so. Considering your equipment might fail one day, and Canon Malaysia does charge a penalty fee of RM200 for a grey stock in terms of servicing. However, if you get a Canon Malaysia stock, most of the time they'll just give you a free service eventhough your equipment's warranty is over. That's the value added service which quite alot of people aren't aware of. :)

Yeap, alot of L lenses are suitable for a FF body. ;)

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

really? that's good news! in case my 580ex fails on me :P

i recently paid RM485 to repair a water damaged Ixus 900ti. :-/

1:51 AM  
Blogger Zey said...

Wow, that's quite a big sum for such a small thing. One more thing I noticed from, if you purchased a grey unit from them, you have to wait for the store owner to come back from Japan, and he'll hand carry to Japan for warranty. I think it'll take up months before you can use it.

8:44 AM  

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